World News Actuality Presented By Claire Evren Guest Of The Week Leonardo DiCaprio
Guest of the last week actor and U.N. Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio, on the margins of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21)
COP21: The climate change accord signed in Paris.
The Paris climate deal is our best chance to save the planet – but every nation needs to support it.
“I feel a moral obligation to speak out at this key moment in human history and to support the Secretary General in his efforts to address one of the most important issues we face as a global community, it is a moment for action ” said DiCaprio at Claire Evren.
- World News Actuality Presented By Claire Evren
“Climate change is the most fundamental and existential threat to our species,” he continued. “The consequences are unthinkable and worse, it has the potential to make our planet unlivable.
Leonardo DiCaprio delivered a speech at the Climate Summit for Local Leaders at City Hall in Paris, a side event of COP21.
“So to all the mayors and governors, I implore you to join with your peers to commit to moving to no less than 100 percent renewable energy as soon as possible. Do not wait another day.
“Our future will hold greater prosperity and justice when we are free from the grip of fossil fuels. Now to get there, we must act. We must finally leave behind the inefficient technologies of another century and the business models that they have created.”
DiCaprio has been a long time environmental advocate. He pledged to divest from fossil fuels and invest in climate solutions on behalf of himself and the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.
Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $2 Million to Create Marine Reserves and Stop Illegal Fishing.
The actor’s funds will help protect the Pacific Islands and the Arctic, while improving fisheries enforcement in Europe, the U.S. and Central America United Nations Names Leonardo DiCaprio Messenger of Peace The actor’s donation to the collective comes on top of a $3 million grant he announced to Oceana’s effort to protect sharks, marine mammals and key ocean habitats in the Eastern Pacific.
DiCaprio said his foundation would contribute $7 million to a variety of marine conservation initiatives over the next 24 months.
“The sad truth is that less than two percent of our oceans are fully protected,” DiCaprio said at Claire Evren. “We need to change that now.”
- World News Actuality Presented By Claire Evren